Uniphying Patent Litigation

A dedicated, experienced and technically skilled team supporting clients before the new Unified Patent Court (UPC).

Bringing together highly recognised litigation lawyers and European patent attorneys.

Experienced in English and German across all technical fields.

You will have a strong team of leading Attorneys-at-Law in Germany and technically skilled patent attorneys able to cover any technology or industry, with a right to directly represent clients before the UPC. The team also includes highly reputed UK solicitors experienced in some of the largest European patent cases.

With its specialists having many years of successfully and cohesively working together the Uniphy team can provide you with the expertise necessary under the tight timelines and the new procedure of the UPC.

Germany Sweden UK

We are present in Germany and Sweden, which has the only regional division of the UPC, as well as in the UK, the largest European litigation country outside the UPC. We are able to run UPC litigation for you and ensure we can field a formidable team on your behalf.

As the UPC combines litigation techniques from key European jurisdictions (including expert reports, disclosure and cross examination from the UK) this service offers you a single point of contact to provide the necessary expertise for all of your UPC litigation needs.


You will benefit from in-depth experience advising international clients, particularly in the US, on European, cross-border and complex litigation matters with a track record of success.

Everything we do has you in mind and achieving your commercial objectives is paramount.

What do we provide?

Uniphy brings together highly recognised litigation lawyers and European patent attorneys to advise clients on high-stakes litigation before the new Unified Patent Court (UPC).

Patent litigation

Litigation strategy

Multinational patent litigation strategy

UK litigation advice

UPC key points

A single transnational court

The UPC is a single transnational court, with its various local, regional, and central divisions operating as branches under a single set of rules of procedure. Read more

Speedy procedure; technical and legal skills

The UPC procedures require all parties to present a complete case from the outset, with short deadlines which are particularly pressing on a defendant. Read more

Language really matters

One of the most striking features of the UPC is that, for the first time, it will be possible to conduct litigation in respect of multiple European countries in a single language. This may not even be an official language of any of the countries involved. Read more

Many locations; some are more popular

The UPC will have first instance venues across the European Union, but they are not all expected to be equally busy. Read more

Combining UPC litigation with national litigation

Many UPC litigation strategies will involve national litigation as well. In most cases, litigants will want to consider the UK, an established patent litigation venue, in parallel. Read more

Integrated team

Our advisors bring together a wealth of experience in IP protection, software development, and commercial law. We understand the importance of both safeguarding your revenue streams and investment through IP rights, and promoting collaboration to help you achieve your objectives.


Christof Höhne




Darren Smyth


UK and European Patent Attorney, Design Attorney


Florian Schmidt-Bogatzky




Jerome Spaargaren


UK and European Patent Attorney


Learn more all about the UPC at our Uniphy knowledgehub, browse the latest news, read up on analysis and guidance or browse our knowledgebase for an in-depth guide to both the UPC and Unitary patents.

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